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Links zu: Statistik : Marktforschung, Sozialforschung, Statistik, Software

Soft und Hardware für Technik und Wissenschaft

UK-based worldwide e-mail broadcast system for the Statistical Community

American Statistical Association (ASA)

AT + T Labs -- Research: Statistics Research, Home Page

Audiographics: Internet statistics for broadcasting

Classification Society of North America (CSNA).
classification and clustering

Conceptual Software (Dbms/Copy)

CTI Centre for Statistics

Data Mining Linklist


David Howell's Statistical Page

Dongchu Sun


Glossar: Stichworte zur Statistik nach Sachgebieten

Graphische Systeme GmbH Statistics / GIS


HMS Softwareentwicklung und angewndte Statistik GmbH

Idea Works (e.g. Statistical Navigator, Hyperstat)

iec ProGAMMA Home Page
Software for the Social and Behavioral Sciences

InfoStat Corporation Information Services

Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna

Institute of Mathematical Statistics


Java Applets for statistics

Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics

Journal of Statistical Software

Journal of Statistics Education



Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung

Manugistics (Statgraphics)

Mathematics The WWW Virtual Library: Mathematics

Memphis Market Intelligence

Memphis Software

Method and Data Technologies

Multimedia Statistics Page Multimedia Statistics Page

Multivariate Software, Inc.

Multivariate Statistk im Data Mining

NAG Ltd. GLIM / Genstat

NCSS (Solo)


OmniQuest Das Field- + Tab-Institut Homepage

Pitfalls of Data Analysis

pki Informationssysteme
Pinpoint, Esprit (Softwarevertrieb)

Research Software Central

RRC, Inc.

S-Plus Home Page

Sawtooth Software CAI-Software: CI3, ACA

Scientific Software International

SciTech: Software for Science

SKIM Software Divison

Social Science Data Online.
Collection of numeric data in the social sciences maintained by the Social Sciences and Humanities Library of University of California, San Diego.


Softguide: Statistik - Marktübersicht Programme Software und Anbieter

SPSS MR / Quantime Corp. SPSS MR
Provides market researchers with premium software solutions, fully integrated from questionnaire design through advanced analysis

SPSS, Inc.
World-Wide-Web Homepage (also BMDP)


Statistics on the Web Helberg List

Statistik I: Beschreibende Statistik - Übersicht (GhK)

Statistik II: Schließende Statistik (GhK)

Statistische Auswertungssysteme Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemologie

StatLib Index (Linkseite)

StatSci Division of MathSoft

StatSoft Inc (Statistica)

The Estima Home Page, Home of RATS Econometrics Software

Uni Heidelberg Statlab
Tagungsinformation und zu anderen Statistik-Servern

Uni Koeln Statistics

University of Washington Dept. of Statistics


Working Group Structural Equation Modeling

XGobi, XGVis, multivariate data visualization


ZUMA Mannheim Zentrum fuer Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen / Methodenconsulting, Umfragen, Sozialindikatorenforschung, Mikrodaten, Software



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